Edition 21

Hidden Queensland

  • Published 2nd September, 2008
  • ISBN: 9780733322839
  • Extent: 296 pp
  • Paperback (234 x 153mm)

Hidden Queensland explores the most remarkable transition in Australian political history: in the people, the politics and the policies – and also exposes the lingering impact of secrets.

The election of Kevin Rudd as prime minister signalled a momentous change in Australia – political power moved north for the first time. As he said, ‘You can take the boy out of Nambour, but you can’t take Nambour out of the boy.’ This edition explains how this happened and what it means for Australia.

The lead essay by Julianne Schultz provides a fresh and comprehensive analysis of how today’s leaders and visionaries forged their ideals in the ashes of corruption and conflict. She describes the way networks with radical roots were formed and nurtured in the subtropical heat.

This accounting of the recent past – and coincidences that emerge only in hindsight – provides a unique insight into the motivations of those now at the epicentre of national power.

Behind the utopian dreams – and the weather – which draw record numbers of newcomers to Queensland, there are older narratives and bitter conflicts buried throughout the state.

An outstanding collection of writers in this fifth anniversary edition breathe life into these stories, so that they will not be lost to history.

In this Edition

Not just good girls

Women in public life in Queensland experienced criticism and ridicule that was sharper and more personal than that directed to their male counterparts. They were often said to have abandoned their rightful roles as wives and mothers, were accused of being too noisy, too silent, too dumb, too much of a smarty pants. It was suggested that wealthy women had a ‘silver spoon’, while the few working-class women who struggled into the ranks above were said to lack grace and class.

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