Marg O’Donnell

Marg O’Donnell was director general of three state government departments in Queensland: Aboriginal Affairs, Equity and Fair Trading, and the Arts.

She is currently Chair of Legal Aid Queensland, the Griffith University Law School Visiting Committee, and the Australian Festival of Chamber Music. She is Deputy Chair of the Board of the National Breast Cancer Network of Australia, and a member of the Playing Australia Committee.

Apart from a two year stint in Victoria as the state’s 
first Legal Ombudsman, she has lived in Queensland 
all her life.


Not just good girls

EssayWomen in public life in Queensland experienced criticism and ridicule that was sharper and more personal than that directed to their male counterparts. They were often said to have abandoned their rightful roles as wives and mothers, were accused of being too noisy, too silent, too dumb, too much of a smarty pants. It was suggested that wealthy women had a ‘silver spoon', while the few working-class women who struggled into the ranks above were said to lack grace and class.

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