Adam Narnst

Adam Narnst is a bar-fly, bouncer, fruit picker, pig hunter, motorcyclist, factory hand and two-time cage fighter based in the Brisbane-Gold Coast corridor.

He completed his BA in literature and theology in 2006, honours in creative non-fiction in 2007. He is currently studying a PhD in creative writing at Griffith University where he teaches part time.


Blue people

FictionSelected for Best Australian Stories 2014I’M BACK WORKING with the Dragon Lady after we both went overseas, again, and changed companies, again, came back to hospitality, again, and accidentally landed in the same shit-hole, again. We all go to...

Scratch the Surface – The sea-goats

ReportageThirty kilometres to the south, the seaside town of Sarina lies in wait, rousing weary drivers and snoozing navigators with the ecstatic greens of the Pioneer Valley cane plantations, ambushing those not yet ready for the gaudy tropical climes...

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