Edition 44

Cultural Solutions

  • Published 6th May, 2014
  • ISBN: 9781922182258
  • Extent: 264 pp
  • Paperback (234 x 153mm), eBook

The cultural solutions explored across the edition vary in approach, scale and purpose.

Robyn Archer suggests it might be time to rethink and revalue the importance of culture, including artists themselves. Big hART’s Scott Rankin discusses the great return-on-investment offered by cultural solutions and how even a modest investment can have a far-reaching impact on the seemingly intractable social problems.

Alice Pung explores the importance of storytelling to give marginalised children a voice, while Maria Tumarkin wonders if the growing need for communication to be packaged into attractive stories means we are missing out on more complex information.

With essays from Marcus Westbury, Jim Hearn, Kris Olsson and Kate Veitch; stories from Craig Cliff and Chris Armstrong; poetry from Susan Varga and a powerful photo essay from Raphaela Rosella, and much much more.

Cultural Solutions puts flesh on the bones of the cultural richness around us and proves its success in providing new fixes for old problems.

Griffith Review 44: Cultural Solutions – Notes from the front examines the many layers of culture through essays, memoirs, and interviews from key cultural producers.

Each piece serves as a case study for an exploration of our engagement with culture, how it is employed to address societal problems, and what benefits can be derived from it.

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‘For community-art deniers, an essay by [Scott] Rankin in the latest Griffith Review should be compulsory reading.’ – Matthew Westwood, The Australian

Cultural Solutions ‘features the usual impressive list of contributors, with iconic performer and festival director Robyn Archer leading the pack.’ – Courier-Mail

‘Culture is recognised as one of the four pillars of a successful society – along with political, economic and social institutions. These are admirably showcased in this edition, putting “flesh on the bones of the cultural richness around us, and its capacity to provide solutions to intractable problems”.’ – PS News


Breakfast with Julianne Schultz from Currency House on Vimeo.

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