Robyn Archer


Robyn Archer is a singer, writer, director, artistic director and public advocate of the arts. She is an exponent and a champion of music theatre and the classic European cabaret tradition, and is also known for her own writing, including political songs in the shows Pack of Women and Kold Komfort Kaffee. Her work has previously been published in Griffith Review 23, 36, 44 and 55.


Behind the scene

Essay IN THE MIDDLE of the twentieth century, most Australian actors who wished to consider themselves ‘legitimate’ would still have considered the acquisition of a quasi-British accent an essential ingredient for success – here at home, and as part and parcel...

So dry a homeland

EssayTHERE ARE STILL some hot summer nights when I can tool around Adelaide with the windows down and feel like a teenager on the hunt. It’s 30 degrees at eight in the evening, and down at the beach people are...

The decisive deal

EssayTHE EUROPEAN UNION does not have a cultural policy. It has programs, such as the Capital of Culture, which Greek actress and former minister for the arts Melina Mercouri proposed in the early days of the European Union as...

Industry that pays, and art that doesn’t

Essay The critical attitude Strikes many people as unfruitful. That is because they find the state Impervious to their criticism. But what in this case is an unfruitful attitude Is merely a feeble attitude. Give criticism arms And states can be demolished by it. Canalising a river Grafting...

Girt by a sea of anomalies

EssayFEDERATION BECAME CLEAR to me for the first time recently – at least fifteen years after I served on the Celebration of Federation Committee chaired by Joan Kirner. That was the first time I had been able to witness...

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