Meme McDonald (1954–2017)


Meme McDonald was author of nine multi-award winning books, five of which were written in collaboration with Boori Monty Pryor.

Her most recent novel is Love Like Water (Allen & Unwin, 2007).


You have my heart

EssayHOUSEWIVES, A HUNDRED or more women at each performance, call out to an actor as she wanders mindlessly around her kitchen doing chores. They encourage her to stay positive, correcting her mistakes, answering her soliloquies. Roma is her audience,...


MemoirDAWN IS RISING in a pink and grey shriek of galahs. Child, already out of close warmth of swag, tugs my hand. Campfire needs stoking but in the shiver of morning there is something more urgent. Five hours' drive...

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