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Welcome to GR Online, a series of short-form articles that take aim at the moving target of contemporary culture as it’s whisked along the guide rails of innovations in digital media, globalisation and late-stage capitalism.


The mirage of beer before their eyes. Barney wipes his feet upon the mat unaccustomed to such luxuries.

Before I forget again

I am a ceramic horse in kintsugi  fields. Shards shred my tongue to gold  rivers. Cracked and crazed – from fire  gallops beast. Memory slips  lapis lazuli. I break  curses, gather spells. Nudge  fresh letters in water troughs – watch words bob – shiny  new apples...

Help wanted

The opening said no training required; the slaughterer’s tasks are two: stun and slaughter.  With a third parenthetical:  Remove the organs  and the waste  as needed....


Lady, in this heavy light  you show tender: waving your insides  outside, buffeted by the sea’s  old heave ho. Nobody calls out...


the book holds the horse – rustling in there, taking pages between lips, rubbing upper lip across them, nostrils twin jets of...

felix and jango

two black cats patrol our street felix and jango I can’t tell them apart when I see one of them walking past I...

A new animal

My son has made friends with the daddy-long-legs under the kitchen bench. Each morning  I am freshly summoned to ‘um ook at em.’  Come look...

Their presence

Straight away you’re taller, sprung firm andspry by their ecstatic vocal runs and upscaling,by their tripping lightly over pages...


On the bleached beachof café seats, he’s drenched, hairslicked, tarnished as tinespulled up from a shipwreck, savea naughty part:silver...

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