As dead as

The misrepresentations of the Mauritian dodo

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  • Published 20231107
  • ISBN: 978-1-922212-89-4
  • Extent: 207pp
  • Paperback, ePub, PDF, Kindle compatible

A COUPLE OF years ago a friend recommended that I listen to ‘Strange Fowle’, an episode of Marc Fennell’s podcast Stuff the British Stole. One evening, after fumbling with my earphones and my app, I got the podcast going while I trudged down the main road near my house. A few minutes in, I began to cry.

Podcasts are often moving. I listened to Serial and Believe with my heart in my throat. The cruelties of The Teacher’s Pet, Dirty John and Sweet Bobby often came with the force of a physical blow. But I was blindsided by my strong emotional reaction to ‘Strange Fowle’. Despite the weighty topic of the series – colonisation and British imperialism – I had not expected it.

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