Natalie Kon-yu

KON-YU, Natalie

Natalie Kon-yu is a writer, academic and editor whose work has been published nationally and internationally. She is the author of The Cost of Labour and a co-commissioning editor of #Me Too: Stories from the Australian Movement; Mothers & Others and Just Between Us. She lives and works in Naarm (Melbourne).


As dead as

Non-fictionAs a Mauritian person, I’ve always known about dodos. I first heard about them from my dad’s family. The dodo was only ever found in Mauritius, and I naively believed that everyone knew that. But when I was relaying my experience of listening to the podcast to a group of friends, they were surprised to hear that the dodo was Mauritian.

Speaking my language

Non-fictionMY AUNTIE HAS stopped speaking to her siblings. Rifts like these are commonplace in my family, where people fall out with each other like dealt cards. The size of our family doesn’t help. The original eight siblings have grown...

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