Edition 38
The Novella Project
- Published 4th December, 2012
- ISBN: 9781921922602
- Extent: 296 pp
- Paperback (234 x 153mm), eBook
Novellas: longer than a short story, shorter than a novel have come into their own, with the digital publishing revolution providing new opportunities for writers to experiment with longer stories that are intense, detailed, often grounded in the times, and perfectly designed for busy people to read in one sitting.
This edition features six stories picked by a panel of judges from more than two hundred entries.
Mary-Rose MacColl explores the rippling consequences of a single moment of distraction; Lyndel Caffrey poignantly recreates the bleak Melbourne winter of 1923; and Katerina Cosgrove combines a portrait of strife-torn Greece with a tale of tortured love.
Ed Wright tells the tragic story of a spirited teenager torn between love and duty in wartime Japan; Christine Kearney embraces the complexities of the mythic and contemporary reality of life in East Timor; and Jim Hearn cooks up a challenging and gritty tale of a junkie in trouble.
The Novella Project marks the beginning of an ongoing project, developed in collaboration with the Copyright Agency Limited’s Cultural Fund, which we hope will help foster a new golden age for the novella with an antipodean perspective.
The Novella Project Judging Panel: Craig Munro, Estelle Tang and Julienne van Loon.
In this Edition
River Street
What is not on the open street is false, derived, that is to say, literature.Henry MillerThere is always power in transgression.Jason Lee 1 I STAND NAKED in the bathroom and clutch at my arm above the elbow. I pump my fist and work a sullen, pockmarked...
A minor loss of fidelity
THE HOUSE ON THE CORNER THEY LIVED IN a small, white house on the corner, a block back from the beach. On one side of their house was the grave of their neighbour's boy, Senhor Miguel's son. The boy had died of dengue several years...
An end to hope
1A MOMENT'S HESITATION was all it took. She stood there trembling on the tree. Noose around her neck. Waiting for the final count that would take her to oblivion. Her arms were chicken skin, her face was as white as a geisha; only her...
Intimate distance
INTIMACY'Keep me,' – I said to him –'let me be only one – even half – the whole half (whichever it is),not two, separate and unmingled, for nothing is left to mebut to be the cut – that is, not to be –only a vertical...
HEADING NORTHSS BOMBALA, 1924WHEN PHIL PORTER started getting restless at the mills and talking of the opportunities up north, Bird was the first to listen, the first to say I'm in, the first to lay down his eight pounds for the three week trip...
The water of life
HERE IS THE writer in this city of writers, this glittering dry mouth in the north where we can offer you beer, coffee and sauvignon blanc but no water. She reads her lines out loud and ranges over the dry grass of her craft...