Getting to yes

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  • Published 20140204
  • ISBN: 9781922182241
  • Extent: 300 pp
  • Paperback (234 x 153mm), eBook

HE SAT THERE staring, the book he’d been reading forgotten on the table in front of him. He hadn’t had sex for one hundred and thirteen days now and any girl was starting to look pretty good but even allowing for that this girl was beautiful. He watched her move up the queue.

She bought an orange juice. As she turned and scanned the room she seemed to be looking right at him for a second. She found an empty table over by the window and settled down with a textbook. Now he could only see the back of her head. She had exceptionally clean hair.

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About the author

William Brandt

William Brandt has an MA in Creative Writing from Victoria University's International Institute of Modern Letters.His collection Alpha Male (Victoria University Press) won the...

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