Suneel Jethani

JETHANI, Suneel (1)

Suneel Jethani is a lecturer at the University of Technology Sydney. He is the author of The Politics and Possibilities of Self-Tracking Technology: Data, Bodies and Design, and his work has been published in ContinuumCultural StudiesPersona Studies and Communication Politics & Culture.


In the fullness of time

Non-fictionOur devices and data are more than extensions of our physical bodies. The so-called ‘human-centric’ approach to designing wearable and carriable devices means that they disrupt traditional divisions between work and leisure, production and consumption. It’s difficult not to feel the incursion of work-logics into leisure times and spaces as normal. Stretched for time, couples, families and friendship groups are starting to organise themselves using tools like Slack, Jira, Trello and Asana – that is, in the same way as workplaces. 

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