Stephen Muecke

Stephen Muecke is Jury Chair of English language and literature in the School of Humanities at the University of Adelaide, South Australia, and is a fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. He is a writer specialising in cross-generic work, cultural theory and Indigenous studies. His publications include The Mother’s Day Protest and Other Fictocritical Essays (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016). He has recently translated two books, Another Science is Possible (John Wiley) by Isabelle Stengers, and Doctors and Healers (Wiley) by Isabelle Stengers and Tobie Nathan, both published in 2018.


A Martuwarra Serpent stirs in its sleep…

Non-fictionAboriginal people are usually confident in the enduring nature of knowledge (not just belief) because that other mob down the road has the same story, or a similar one. It is a multispecies and layered story, and that is precisely what makes it creative, unlike so much of continuing Western materialist ideas and practices.

A fragile civilisation

EssayAT THE SAME time as a headline in The Guardian announced: ‘Indigenous Australians most ancient civilisation on Earth, DNA study confirms’,[1] we could also read that $3 billion had been left by healthcare tycoon Paul Ramsay to set up,...

Sunset ports on the new trade routes

EssayWHEN ERNESTINE HILL, the pioneering Australian journalist, visited what she called the "ports of sunset" on the West Australian coast in the 1930s, travelling rough with her swag and typewriter, she encountered bits and pieces of Australia's maritime history...

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