Michael Vatikiotis

Michael Vatikiotis has lived and worked in South-East Asia for two decades.

His fiction includes Debatable Land (Talisman, 2001), a collection of short stories, and a novel The Spice Garden(Equinox, 2003). Singapore Ground Zero and Other Storieswas published in Singapore in September 2007 by Talisman.


In pursuit of faith

FictionCatching communistsI REMEMBER VERY very well the words the president used. We were all summoned to a big hall. It's always like that with big people, generals, presidents and the like; the longer you wait around picking blackheads and...

Riding Indonesia’s art boom

ReportageJogjakarta is a city of artists. On every corner of Central Java's ancient royal city there is an aspiring painter with good reasons to be hopeful. A handful of painters have sold their work at auction for tens and...

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