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- Published 20210202
- ISBN: 978-1-922212-56-6
- Extent: 264pp
- Paperback (234 x 153mm), eBook
Trent Parke’s latest series, The Crimson Line, continues his fascination with the transformative powers of light – particularly the ephemeral spaces around dawn and dusk. Parke’s curiosity about these colours led him to the cochineal, small female insects whose bodies are crushed and boiled to generate commercial dyes for shades from scarlet and magenta to crimson and orange.
In The Crimson Line, Parke stalks these shades and hues across a range of landscapes, from the industrial assemblages of factory lines, processing plants, roadsides, high-tension powerlines and shipping-crate skyscrapers to vast vistas of skies, clouds and birds. The following selection forms part of a larger visual narrative that encompasses global warming, beauty and consumerism, a stunning hybrid of strange truths and imagination.
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About the author

Trent Parke
Trent Parke, the first Australian to become a full member of the renowned Magnum Photo Agency, is considered one of the most innovative and...
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