Tell me a story

Folklore, fact and fantasy

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  • Published 20230207
  • ISBN: 978-1-922212-80-1
  • Extent: 264pp
  • Paperback (234 x 153mm), eBook

…the question isn’t whether or not something is real but
when is it real and for whom.

Kristiana Willsey

WHEN I WAS twelve or thirteen, the kids at school used to whisper about the Toy House, a lone weatherboard dwelling at the end of a cul-de-sac, hidden deep within an industrial estate. Picture the front yard, they’d say: its soil dry and red, clumps of hedge along the front boundary. Straggly trees dot one side of the garden, then grow haphazardly around the dead-end. And amid the boughs of those trees you’ll find fluffy toys, maybe a hundred of them, strung up with rope. Some toys dangle from a limb, others by a noose around the neck. If you go to the house, they’d say, the man who lives there will lurk inside, watching you while you survey the toys – waiting until you’ve found one to liberate from torture. With your arms reaching and your back turned, you won’t see him spring out to snatch you. 

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About the author

Martine Kropkowski

Martine Kropkowski is a writer and HDR candidate at The University of Queensland. Her research examines folklore practice in the online space, including the...

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