Fear, hope and three days in Dili

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  • Published 20071204
  • ISBN: 9780733321276
  • Extent: 280 pp
  • Paperback (234 x 153mm)

WHEN THE TINY Airnorth plane landed at Dili airport I knew something about campaigning but little about Timorese politics. Like even the most casual Australian observer, I recognise our neighbourhood is a vastly diverse one. A comfortable friend to the south-east; an arc of unstable and developing nations to the Pacific north; the largest Muslim nation on the doorstep; beyond, the former tiger economies and the world’s most populous nations.

I arrived as one of four political staffers and consultants participating alongside Timorese counterparts in a seminar called ‘Keeping Your Campaign on Track’, a program organised and funded by ALP International Projects.

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About the author

Jim Chalmers

Jim Chalmers is Brisbane general manager of CPR Communications and Public Relations, and a graduate of Griffith University and the Australian National University.

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