Edition 41

Now We are Ten


Griffith REVIEW’s tenth anniversary edition features Australia’s best writers tackling the underlying forces that will shape the next decade: sustainability, equality, belonging, technology and the capacity for change.

In this anniversary edition the insights from the past will inform a forward-looking agenda, explored with flair and literary panache.

Frank Moorhouse reconsiders what the proliferation of surveillance is likely to mean, Melissa Lucashenko observes up close what life is like being poor in a rich country, Kathy Marks describes how western Sydney has become a metaphor for a changing nation, Anna Rose anticipates how change might occur, Desmond Manderson draws parallels between the war on drugs and treatment of refugees, Michael Wesley tests what an Asian century might really mean, Rodney Croome argues that belonging will define the next decade, Andrew Belk explores the price of flying in and flying out, and more.

Now We Are Ten offers powerful new insights into the challenges of the next ten years on the eve of the federal election.

Publication Date: 24 July 2013


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