Ronnie Scott

Ronnie Scott

Ronnie Scott is the author of the Penguin Special Salad Days, as well as two novels: The Adversary, which was shortlisted for a Queensland Literary Award and the Australian Literature Society Gold Medal, and Shirley, published earlier this year. He teaches creative writing at RMIT.


Object permanence

Non-fictionTigger arrived with one eye and a tender but wary disposition, and at first it seemed like the missing eye would be the locus of his mystery. But within a few months of his living in my small apartment, he began presenting strange troubles – back legs listing when he turned a corner, spasms in his resting spine – that were quickly diagnosed as arthritis and diabetes.  We so often use the phrase ‘the stiffening of joints’ that we forget it’s a courtly term for the elision of matter, without which the bones rub together, scrape and grate. While I acclimated to managing the diabetes – an injection every twelve hours, which Tigger didn’t mind, quickly learning to associate it with freeze-dried chicken snacks – he also started hesitating before jumping on and off surfaces, before finally doing so despite the promise of pain.

My life with the wave

Non-fiction I WANT TO tell you about a difficult place that I visit regularly since moving to my suburb in the inner fringes of a large Australian city. The place is a gym, and I like it in the winter...

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