Lloyd Jones

JONES, Lloyd

Lloyd Jones co-edited Griffith Review 43: Pacific Highways.

His novels include The Book of Fame, Mister Pip, Hand Me Down World, The Cage and a memoir, A History of Silence.

His new novel, The Fish, is forthcoming with Text in 2022.


At the crossroads

IntroductionTHE OLDEST HIGHWAY across the Pacific is perhaps as old as the planet. A jet stream circles the Pacific Rim. The amazing godwit hurtles along at an airborne speed of five hundred kilometres an hour on its journey from...

Who’s that dancing with my mother?

FictionWE WERE LIVING in Napier at the time. My father pulled the keys down from the hook in the kitchen and my mother asked where he was headed.‘Up the coast,' he said, and my mother went on slicing the...

Looking back: a self-portrait

MemoirI HAVE STEPPED inside a replica of Leonardo da Vinci's cabinet of mirrors, and here I am, as I have never before seen myself. The back of me, the sides, as well as the usual frontal perspective – in...


PoetrySuddenly the place is overrun with Europeans.Suddenly there is a Maori in your backyard.Suddenly you need to shit but can't and need to hold on because suddenly where and what you grew up believing would always be there is...

In America 1979

PoetryIn America, I was no longer who I thought I was; one time in America, I was a white person helping an elderly black woman with her heavy suitcase across the platform. A tall black man holding a Bible...

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