Lisa Gorton

Lisa Gorton is a writer of poetry, fiction and essays. Her awards include the Prime Minister’s Literary Award for Fiction and the Philip Hodgins Memorial Medal.

Her most recent book is Empirical (Giramondo, 2019).


Stone. Tongue.

Poetryi. Evening falls, and rooms grow dark, then light. Through the open window, a cricket starts up its whirring. Steam rises from the kettle. The tea grows stronger – no words today: a tightness around the throat. A weight like a thrown stone. Sprigged flowers. What...

The sleepers (from the Futures Museum)

Poetryresin, oils, human hair, camphor solution (potassium nitrate, ammonium chloride, water, ethanol, camphor), fishing wireIn this display the artisthas wrapped life-cast figures in a hand-made net of fishing wire - Figurespainted with a one-hair brush and trueeven to the...

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