Jerath Head


Jerath Head is an editor, writer and disability support worker. His writing has been published in a number of Australian publications, including Kill Your Darlings, Sydney Review of Books and New Philosopher. He was the co-editor of Griffith Review 56: Millennials Strike Back and is a publisher with the independent literary outfit Pseudonaja. He is currently studying a Doctor of Medicine at the University of Notre Dame, Sydney.


The geography of respect

Non-fictionStarting in 2019, Parks Victoria closed or restricted access for climbers to much of Gariwerd-Grampians while it assessed cultural heritage and worked with Traditional Owners and conservation experts to develop the Greater Gariwerd Landscape Management Plan (GGLMP). These closures drew strong reactions from many climbers. They saw Parks Victoria’s actions as impinging on their rights, and its apparent focus on climbing as a risk to cultural heritage and environmental integrity as overblown.

Waiting our turn

EssayGENERATIONALISM IS A complex phenomenon. The concept of a generation is obvious: the social and economic contexts for a group of people born around the same time are going to be somewhat similar. But in addressing lived experience, a number...

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