Where the voices aren’t

Moral accountability at the end of the earth

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  • Published 20200204
  • ISBN: 9781925773804
  • Extent: 264pp
  • Paperback (234 x 153mm), eBook

IN 2018, THE University of Oxford ran an essay competition that asked, ‘Are Men (Still) Beasts?’ Students were prompted to respond to an early twentieth-century essay, ‘Aren’t Men Beasts’, by feminist author Rebecca West. They were also asked, in the context of #MeToo, whether woman had become too censorious, imposing her own ‘restrictive conventions’ on the ‘natural’ tendencies of man and thus unfairly demonising him.

My reaction to these questions was visceral. I recoiled like a sea creature into its shell; I felt swallowed by an ocean. The natural tendencies of man?

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About the author

Sophie Hardcastle

Sophie Hardcastle was born in 1993. She is an Australian author, artist, screenwriter and scholar, based in Oxford, England. In 2018, she was one...

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