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- Published 20230801
- ISBN: 978-1-922212-86-3
- Extent: 200pp
- Paperback (234 x 153mm), eBook
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About the author
Gavin Yuan Gao
Gavin Yuan Gao is a genderqueer non-binary poet. Their debut poetry collection, At the Altar of Touch, was published by the University of Queensland...
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Poetry Straight away you’re taller, sprung firm andspry by their ecstatic vocal runs and upscaling,by their tripping lightly over pages of dogma in the opening chorus...
An idle moment
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Oh, the shame of it
Non-fictionModern leisure emerged in the West in the early 1700s when French and English cities developed new forms of society built around urban amenities – parks, cafés, fairs and shopping districts – servicing an expanding class of people with discretionary time and income. Public museums as storehouses of national culture appeared a little later in the nineteenth century where they contributed to the development of so-called ‘rational recreation’, a species of serious leisure intended to ‘civilise the masses’.