A seat at the table

The power of multilingual journalism

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  • Published 20200804
  • ISBN: 978-1-922212-50-4
  • Extent: 304pp
  • Paperback (234 x 153mm), eBook

YANIS WATCHES ME intently as I talk – I am grateful. An attentive audience can never be anticipated in Athens, where interjections, animated debate, sarcasm and Socratic monologues are more typical.

It’s the European summer of 2019, and I’m detailing an imagined platform for multilingual journalism in Greece. More specifically, I am articulating an urgent need for migrants to have a seat at the decision-­making table through an independent and inclusive European broadcasting channel. I am describing a pilot project that I’ve set underway in Greece. Its founding vision is to develop a public information service in Greece for migrants and ultimately a permanent space for debate and discussion about news, culture and rights in contemporary Europe.

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