In person – Griffith Review at Newcastle Writers Festival – Learning Curves


Learning Curves at Newcastle Writers Festival

When: 1:30 pm, Sunday 3 April 2022

Where: Cummings Room, Newcastle City Hall, 290 King Street

Tickets: Free. More information here.

Is reading the cornerstone of a learning life, and does its power change from pre-school years to university? Join Ashley Hay, Tegan Bennett Daylight and Catherine Keenan as they explore these learning curves.

About the panellists

Ashley Hay is an award-winning novelist and essayist. She edits Griffith Review.

Tegan Bennett Daylight is a writer, teacher and critic. Her latest books are the essay collection The Details: On Love, Death and Reading (Simon & Schuster, 2020) and the Stella Prize–shortlisted Six Bedrooms (Vintage, 2015). She teaches in the Creative Writing program at the University of Western Sydney.

A former journalist with The Sydney Morning Herald, Catherine Keenan is the co-founder and executive director of Story Factory. In 2016 she was recognised for her work in community, connection and literacy when she was selected as Australian of the Year Local Hero.

Now more than ever, Australia’s writers

need readers for their work.


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