Griffith Review 62: All Being Equal – The Novella Project VI
A year on from Australian Parliament passing legislation to allow same-sex marriage, Griffith Review 62: All Things Equal – The Novella Project VI will tease out what this means: is it a sign of a new-found appetite for equality? The primacy of love and family? A measure of a flawed political process, or the mark of a new approach to political decision-making?
Griffith Review is seeking stories and reportage that address this both directly and obliquely: powerfully and beautifully written works that engage with the personal, social and political challenges and opportunities that this represents.
Open to both works of fiction and long-form creative non-fiction, submit novellas, memoirs, biography or reportage that bring to life issues, and the stories around them, in the national narrative.
With the support of the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund the Griffith Review will publish a minimum of five of the best works they receive.
Terms & Conditions
Submissions close 21 May 2018. Early submissions are encouraged.
Submissions are limited to Australian and New Zealand authors.
Original works of fiction and non-fiction only. While there is no firm word length requirement, writers are advised that works between 8,000 and 20,000 words are preferable.
Works must respond to the topic brief All Being Equal.
Only one work per author.
All entries must be submitted electronically via Submittable.
Entry fee for the competition is $60 (including GST) for non-subscribers to Griffith Review and $30 (including GST) for subscribers. Entry fees must be paid via GriffithPay here. Griffith Review subscriptions start from $60 and can be purchased at Griffith Review. There is no charge for members of the Griffith Review Contributors’ Circle.
It is anticipated that a minimum of four works will be selected for publication, but the judges reserve the right to vary the number selected.
Submissions will be evaluated by a panel of judges and the Griffith Review team in a blind reading. The decision will be final and there will be no correspondence with unsuccessful candidates about the merits of the work submitted.
The winning works will undergo a professional editorial process prior to publication.
Winners will share the $25,000 prize pool. The amount awarded to each author will be determined by the number of works selected for publication.
Successful applications will be notified by 30 July 2018.
Publication date of All Being Equal – The Novella Project VI is set for 29 October 2018.
All persons (other than Griffith University staff (and their immediate family members), who work on Griffith Review) may enter the competition. This includes students and graduates of Griffith University.
All entrants must be citizens or residents of either Australia or New Zealand.
Griffith Review reserves the right to invite submissions.
We require original works of fiction and non-fiction. While there is no firm word length requirement, writers are advised that works between 8,000 and 20,000 words are preferable.
Each person may only make one submission to the competition, so please submit your best work.
The work must respond to the topic brief.
The submission must be your original work. If you are not the sole author of the submission, you must secure the necessary permission from the appropriate third parties to enter this competition and comply with these Terms and Conditions.
Unless you have prior written consent from Griffith Review, previously published work, or work which is under consideration for other Griffith Review publications or competitions, will be excluded from consideration. Griffith Review, acting in its sole discretion, may grant an exception to this exclusion in exceptional circumstances.
Works written as part of a higher degree program in creative writing are eligible for entry if such entry is within the rules of the academic institution.
Entry into this competition does not entitle the author of a submission to any fee or payment from Griffith University.
A work (in Microsoft Word format) must be submitted via Submittable by no later than 21 May 2018. Your name must not appear on this document. This work must be supported by a short bio on a separate page. Your submission fee must be paid at the time of submitting.
Early submissions are encouraged.
All applicants will be notified about their submission by email by 30 July 2018. No need to follow up.
Unless you have been contacted by Griffith Review and personally invited to make a submission, you will be charged an entry fee of AUD $60 (or $30 if you hold a current print or digital subscription to Griffith Review) upon entry to this competition. The entry fee will be put towards the administrative costs of conducting this competition. All entrants who pay the entry fee will receive a digital subscription to Griffith Review for one year. All payments must be made by credit card via GriffithPay here.
To avoid any doubt, failure to pay the entry fee at the time of submission will mean that you are precluded from this competition, and your submission will not be read by the judges.
Griffith Review will appoint a panel of judges to decide upon the winners. The judges will select the winners based upon originality, creativity and quality of the submission. It is anticipated that four entries will be selected as winners of the competition, but the judges reserve the right to vary the number of works selected, based on the quality and length of submissions.
The judges’ decisions will be final and no correspondence will be entered into with unsuccessful applicants. Applicants will be notified by 30 July 2018. At the discretion of the editor, Griffith Review staff may discuss possible future publication on a case-by-case basis with unsuccessful applicants.
Chance/luck plays no part in determining the winners.
The winning authors will be announced in July 2018. All winners will be contacted privately prior to the public announcement. Winning authors agree to co-operate in a timely fashion with the editorial processes and reasonable publicity requests of Griffith Review.
The winning authors will share the prize pool of $25,000. Further, the collected pieces will be published in Griffith Review on 29 October 2018.
This edition of Griffith Review will be distributed to subscribers and to bookshops and e-book retailers under the contract between Griffith Review and Text Publishing Company (TPC). The edition will also be offered for sale from the Griffith Review online store.
All intellectual property rights in submissions are retained by the author.
Commencing from the date a winning author is notified that his or her submission has been successful, the author grants to Griffith University: a) an exclusive and unrestricted licence to publish and distribute the work (including online), for a period of three months (the Exclusivity Period); b) commencing immediately after the Exclusivity Period, a non-exclusive, perpetual and unrestricted licence to publish and distribute the work (including online); c) a perpetual licence to reproduce the work on the Griffith Review website; d) a perpetual right to publicise this competition and the winning author’s name/s.
During the Exclusivity Period, the author must not publish, or cause the work to be published, other than as contemplated above. After the Exclusivity Period, the author is entitled to publish the work in or on other forums, provided that the author acknowledges, or enters into legally binding arrangements that require the subsequent publisher to acknowledge, that Griffith Review is the original publisher of the work.
To the extent permitted by law, Griffith University is not liable for any loss or damage however caused incurred or suffered by or to a person or property in connection with this competition.