Father’s Day sale

Your gift subscription starts with The Leisure Principle, which is packed with great reads on the paradox of work–life balance – including Richard King on machine intelligence, Drew Rooke on the multi-million-dollar business of online gambling, and musician Dave Graney on artistic inspiration and practice.
In addition to the subscription editions, we'll send you or your dad a copy of Griffith Review's very special twentieth anniversary edition, Creation Stories (worth $27.99).
AND, as one of our favourite people – a Griffith Review subscriber – Dad will have digital access to every story we've ever published. That's two decades' worth of great writing and ideas from some of Australia's best thinkers.
Gift Digital 6 Months was $35 now $28
Gift Digital 12 Months was $60 now $48
Gift Print 6 Months was $45 now $36
Gift Print 12 Months (Australia) was $88 now $70.40
Gift Print 12 Months (international) was $143 now $114.40
To take 20% off a gift subscription and receive a free copy of Creation Stories, simply enter coupon code DAD23 at checkout.
(Psst: you can buy this gift for yourself – we won't tell!)
Offer expires 11:59 pm on 03/09/23 or while stock is available. T&Cs apply.
...and here's a sneak peek at some of the themes and writers in upcoming editions!
Griffith Review 82: Animal Magic
Visiting habitats near and far, wild and domestic to examine our complex interactions with creatures.
Griffith Review 83: Past Perfect
What fuels our love affair with recycling our history? What periods do we choose to romanticise, and how do our rose-tinted glasses occlude reality?
Featuring new work from Geraldine Brooks, Benjamin Law, Elizabeth Tan, Ronnie Scott, Melanie Saward, Chris Flynn, Laura Jean McKay and many more.