Toni Jordan

Toni Jordan was born in Brisbane. She has worked as a sales assistant, molecular biologist, quality control chemist and marketing manager.

In 2006 she received a Varuna Awards master class for Addition, Toni now lives in Melbourne where she works as a freelance copywriter.


The end of Pippa, the beginning of Claire

FictionSHE WASN'T ALWAYS like this. Starched and furrowed. She was still young, or youngish. She had everything, people said: delicate good looks, family money, a big brother to ruffle her a little and stop her becoming too prissy, a...

Waking up

Memoir'THERE ARE TWO types of people in the world, aren't there, Aunty Tone?' asks Bella, who is five going on thirty-five. It is the first week of 2011, and I'm babysitting my niece and nephew while my sister and...

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