Rebecca Harkins-Cross


Rebecca Harkins-Cross is a lecturer in creative writing at RMIT University. Her essays and cultural criticism have been published widely in journals and periodicals across Australia and the world. Her debut book, The Headless Woman, is forthcoming with Fireflies Press.



Non-fictionBeneath my fantasy of a regular wage is the puerile hunch that if I stay in academia, I can regain some of the nervy possibility I held as an undergraduate student. It was at university that I first met people whose days were preoccupied with thinking, reading and writing, revelatory mostly because they were compensated for these activities with bourgeois trappings and validation. With hindsight, I can recognise that my straining so doggedly to become the kind of person who succeeded according to the university’s metrics mainly taught me what bell hooks says is the primary lesson of college – namely, ‘obedience to authority’.

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