Quentin Dempster

Quentin Dempster is a journalist, author and broadcaster with extensive experience in television and print media. Currently he presents Stateline NSW in the 7.30 p.m. Friday timeslot. He joined the ABC in 1984 as associate producer of Nationwide in Queensland, becoming current affairs political reporter and interviewer. In 1986 he wrote and produced the highly acclaimed documentary The Sunshine System about institutionalised corruption in Queensland.

In 1992 he was awarded an Order of Australia for ‘services to journalism and current affairs’. In 2002 he was awarded a Walkley Award for ‘outstanding contribution to journalism’. From 1992 to 1996 he was staff-elected director on the ABC Board. Quentin has written three books: Honest Cops (1992); Whistleblowers (1997) and Death Struggle – how political malice and boardroom powerplays are killing the ABC (2000).


Media rules in the court of Carr

ReportageIT WAS A typical political fix. More designed to fit ministers' personalities, their power preferences and media agendas than coherence in governance, policy formulation or operational management.The re-election of the Carr Government for a third four-year term in New...

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