Patrick Dodson

DODSON, Patrick

Patrick Dodson is a Yawuru man from Broome in Western Australia. He has served as Director of the Central and Kimberley Land Councils, a Commissioner in the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, the inaugural Chair of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation, Co-Chair of the Expert Panel for Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians and Co-Chair of the National Referendum Council. He entered Federal Parliament in 2016 as Senator for Western Australia and is Shadow Assistant Minister for Reconciliation and Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians.



Challenge of negotiation

MemoirTHIRTY YEARS AGO, at Barunga in the Northern Territory, Prime Minister Bob Hawke promised a treaty. I was there, as director of the Central Land Council. We sat in the dust and had long discussions about how a treaty...


In ConversationIn the second of a series of intergenerational exchanges and reflections on the links to and legacies of the Whitlam era in the run up to the fiftieth anniversary of the 1972 election – a collaboration between Griffith Review and...

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