Jake Dean


Jake Dean’s short fiction has been published in several journals and anthologies across Australia and abroad. He has also been recognised with multiple awards, most recently winning the AAWP/UWRF Emerging Writers’ Prize. More of his work can be found at jake-dean.com 


Apocalypse, then?

FictionWriting took almost everything from me. Most afternoons, I’d arrive home from teaching classrooms of uninterested students, have a little Henry time, defrost a ready-to-eat supermarket meal, open a bottle of shiraz and write until midnight. Most weekends, I’d start writing once the hangover wore off, break for lunch, and then write again until dinner. It wasn’t just punishing on my physical health, it ruined my relationships, most recently with Greg, who said I’d die miserable and alone if I maintained my grim routine. And for what? The occasional acceptance from an obscure journal read by twelve other short-story writers?

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