Howard Goldenberg

Howard Goldenberg is a writer, an outback doctor and a lapsed mohel. He is married with three children and a riot of grandchildren.

His published works include two books – My Father’s Compass, a memoir (Hybrid, 2007) and of Raft (Hybrid, 2009), as well as opinion pieces in broadsheet newspapers and innumerable essays and stories in various print and online media.

In his medical work, Howard writes in all traditional genres – diagnoses (fiction), prognoses (science fiction), prescriptions (Latin gobbledygook); as well as creating a new literary genre, the rhyming medical referral letter. He is currently working on a novel.


In a fix

MemoirI FLY TO Wadeye with wary curiosity. People say the generation of elders there has lost all authority, that adults live in fear of the kids; I want to see for myself and I want to learn about the...

At the gateway of hope

ReportageAboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are advised that the following piece contains the names and voices of people who have died. ON A NUMBER of occasions over the years 2005 to 2007, I worked as a relieving doctor in the...

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