Haruko Koga

KOGA, Haruko

Haruko Koga is an emerging writer currently working on her first novel. Born and raised in Japan, she worked as a writer specialising in TV drama novelisations and as an English-to-Japanese translator before immigrating to Australia.


Radioactive fallout

Non-fictionThe quake lasted six minutes – the office floor jolted convulsively; metal shelves rattled, files fell with a cacophony of thuds, and the structure of the building seemed to be squeaking. And then it stopped. My office building hadn’t collapsed. Neither had our apartment; my husband and son weren’t hurt. But it wasn’t the end. The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant had lost power, which was required to cool both the reactors and spent fuel rods. The government was braced for the worst: massive explosions or core meltdowns. A nuclear emergency was declared at 7.03 pm.

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