Bianca Nogrady

Bianca Nogrady

Bianca Nogrady is a freelance science journalist, author and broadcaster.

Her science writing has appeared in outlets including Nature, The Guardian, MIT Technology Review, The Atlantic, Undark Magazine and The British Medical Journal.

She is two-time editor of The Best Australian Science Writing anthology (NewSouth, 2015 and 2019), and author of The End: The Human Experience of Death (Vintage, 2013).


The chemical question

Reportage‘IT’S MY HORMONES, doc. It’s my hormones, and no one’s listened to that.’ It was the late 1980s, in what was once Royal Park Psychiatric Hospital in inner-city Melbourne. A brash young registrar doing her training in psychiatry had arrived at...

Longevity, quality and turning back the clock

Reportage MY NAN WAS an active, outgoing, engaged senior citizen. She gardened, kneeling on a foam pad to protect the skin of her knees and her fragile bones, honeycombed with osteoporosis. She read books, the newspaper, did the crosswords. She...

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