Alice Grundy


Alice Grundy has been a book editor for the past fifteen years and is completing a PhD at ANU. Her thesis forms the basis for a minigraph, Editing Fiction: Three Cases Studies from Postwar Australia, published by Cambridge University Press. She has taught literature at ANU and editing at UTS, and written for the Sydney Review of Books, The Conversation and The Canberra Times, among others. 


Anticipating enchantment

Non-fictionWhen an editor works on a book, they balance reader expectations with what they interpret the author’s intentions to be and use their experience to make suggestions. This might mean changing some of the language to ensure the work is comprehensible for general readers, or asking for more detail where a setting has been hastily described. An editor will always be anticipating the market, and their extensive reading of contemporary works makes them well-placed not only to understand the social and political conditions of the day but also trends in publishing and marketing. 

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