Heart’s dream

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  • Published 20110906
  • ISBN: 9781921758225
  • Extent: 264 pp
  • Paperback (234 x 153mm), eBook

Only recently did it occur to me
that she might have dreamt a different life,
a creativity not bound by all the matter of women’s domesticity.
So I asked her.
The afternoon was sunny – matching her disposition.
Over coffee in the chic café
I say
‘Mama, what was your heart’s dream?’
She blinks – once – perhaps to give herself time to think
then bunts the question back to me
the question mark
a grappling hook at the end of a sentence.

A pianist, is the reply I expect.
My mind’s ear tuned to childhood, I hear
Chopin Schubert Mozart Gershwin.
No mean talent, she.
‘Nothing,’ she replies, ‘not really.’
I slump in disappointment
until, having completed the task of
brushing imaginary crumbs from her ample bosom, she adds:
‘Except a singer. Not opera. You know, a singer.’

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