Submissions open – Griffith Review 69: The European Exchange
If Europe is a project, as the French president Emmanuel Macron suggested in early 2019, it’s one that combines continuing internal reinvention with innovations and approaches from far beyond its shores.
This edition of Griffith Review brings together Australian and European perspectives to explore the ongoing cycle of transformation and exchange. It places contemporary Australian writers who have strong European connections in conversation with important European voices, tracing the links and legacies that underpin the myriad influences these two parts of the world have upon each other. It examines the continuing transformation of Australia’s cultures, habits, values and traditions sparked by waves of European immigrants and influence, and how European experiences of living in Australia, and watching it change, have in turn catalysed change in Europe.
Griffith Review seeks new work that illuminates the evolving connections between Europe and Australia – work that asks not only how Europe speaks to the rest of the world, but how the rest of the world speaks back.
Griffith Review 69: The European Exchange
Edited by Ashley Hay and Natasha Cica
Submissions are now open.
Submissions close: 2 March 2020
Publication date: 4 August 2020
Submit via Submittable only.
Social sharing image: Yury Avi, Piece of the Sky 2008 [detail]