Wendy Lipworth

Wendy Lipworth has a medical degree from the University of New South Wales. She has an honours degree in molecular oncology and has worked in the NSW Health Quality Branch on policy related to health care safety and quality.

She was an associate lecturer in pathology (UNSW) and a masters student in History and Philosophy of Science (Sydney University). Her thesis topic related to the philosophy of cross-cultural moral judgement, using female genital mutilation as a case-study.

Wendy was commissioned (by VELiM) to write a position paper on the ethics and law related to retention of human tissue for research.


Essentially whose genes

ReviewTHE RACE TO map the human genome is over. While this has the potential, in time, to transform medical research, diagnostics and therapeutics, the moral implications of genetic inquiry have dominated public discussion. Concerns relating to genetic privacy and...

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