Mark Moran


Professor Mark Moran leads the Development Effectiveness Group at the Institute for Social Science Research, University of Queensland. He has worked in a range of Indigenous and international development contexts, including China, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, Bolivia and Lesotho, and remote Indigenous communities in Australia. He is the author of Serious Whitefella Stuff: When Solutions Became the Problem in Indigenous Affairs (Melbourne University Press, 2016).


The courage to reform

GR OnlineLAST YEAR MARKED the fiftieth anniversary of the 1967 constitutional referendum. I was only four years old when the referendum took place, and still remember conversations in my Presbyterian peri-urban household in Brisbane that continued throughout my boyhood. The...

Mothers know best

EssayKOWANYAMA'S FIRST CANTEEN opened in 1973. It was little more than a window, with a noisy throng of men outside, all flashing cans and elbows. Officers from the Queensland Aboriginal Affairs Department rationed the daily limit, which began at...

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