Lila Landowski


Dr Lila Landowski is a neuroscientist investigating nerve regeneration and stroke. She was the 2015 Premier’s Young Achiever of the Year, and a finalist for Young Australian of the Year (Tasmania) in 2016. Her work has been presented at twelve high-profile national and international conferences, and she has trained at the Mayo Clinic to cement her status as an emerging leader in the field of nerve injury. Lila regularly engages with the community through segments on ABC radio and in various magazines and newspapers, and has co-ordinated and taught into courses at the University of Tasmania for eight years.


Modern science, modern life

GR OnlineLIKE MANY CHILDREN born in the 1980s, I grew up playing outside, catching lizards and feeding tadpoles. My parents were Polish immigrants to Australia who, like most immigrants, followed their vision of a better future. They gave up respected...

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