June Oscar

June Oscar AO is a proud Bunuba woman from the remote town of Fitzroy Crossing in Western Australia’s Kimberley region. She is a strong advocate for Indigenous Australian languages, social justice and women’s issues, and has worked tirelessly to reduce foetal alcohol spectrum disorder. She has held a number of influential positions, and received awards for her work in community development, women’s and children’s rights and reconciliation. She began her five-year term as Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner in April 2017.


Resilience and reconstruction

EssayWiyi yani, Galinda yani 'All women, all girls' Wina nginyji: Mimi, Ngowiji, Ngarranyi, Ngawiy, Jugu, Manay, Ngaja, Manggay, Gunday, Jimarri, 'Whether you are all: maternal and paternal grandmothers, mothers, aunties, daughters, older sisters, younger sisters, sisters-in-law, cousin sisters or friends,' Nginyjagama gurrijginggirragi, Nginyjagama...

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