John Charles Ryan


John Charles Ryan is postdoctoral research fellow in communications and arts at Edith Cowan University in Perth.

He is the author of the poetry and illustration book Two With Nature with Ellen Hickman (Fremantle Press, 2012) and several research monographs on the cultural and literary aspects of plants, including Green Sense (TrueHeart Publishing, 2012), Unbraided Lines (CG Publishing, 2013) and Being With (CG Publishing, 2014).

His project FloraCultures ( is a work-in-progress digital archive of Perth’s plant-based cultural heritage


A very striking parasite

EssayI RECENTLY EMAILED a photo of the Western Australian Christmas tree, Nuytsia floribunda, to a Chinese friend in Nanjing. In uncharacteristically gushy fashion, she wrote back rapidly, ‘I like these yellow flowers. They are very beautiful like gold, like...

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