Diana Reid

Diana Reid

Diana Reid is the author of the bestselling novels Love & Virtue and Seeing Other People. She is also a freelance writer, currently based in London. In 2022 Love & Virtue won both the Literary Fiction and the overall Book of the Year categories at the Australian Book Industry Awards. She was also awarded Best Young Australian Novelist by The Sydney Morning Herald. Her third novel, Signs of Damage, will be published in 2025.

Image credit: Daniel Boud


Class acts

Non-fictionSocial media has made available to us whole new audiences and vectors for class and lifestyle performance. Where previously your political commitments or what books you were reading might have been topics of conversation with close friends at the pub, now they can be projected to hundreds or thousands of followers. Eating at a restaurant is another example; a previously private and intimately social act can now be a place to be seen, not by the people you’re dining with, or even the other patrons, but by everybody who follows you.

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