Debra Dank


Debra Dank is a Gudanji/Wakaja woman whose book, We Come with This Place (Echo Publishing, 2022), won four NSW Premier’s Literary Awards in 2023: Book of the Year, the Douglas Stewart Prize for Non-Fiction, the Indigenous Writers’ Prize and the UTS Glenda Adams Award for New Writing. It also won the University of Queensland Non-Fiction Book Award at the 2023 Queensland Literary Awards and the ALS Gold Medal for 2023. 


Past-­making within the present

In ConversationThe Marranbarna Dreaming story is a central story to Gudanji, and that essential story forms our beingness. My kids grew up hearing that story from when they were tiny babies – they heard it through my words and they heard it through the words of their grannies, so they could embed the story within their own sense of identity and then retell it. Both of my girls are mums now, and they retell that story to their daughters all the time, so it just becomes a normal part of who and how they are as Gudanji people.

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