Damon Young


Damon Young is a philosopher and author. His twelve books of nonfiction and fiction are published internationally in eleven languages. He is an associate in philosophy at the University of Melbourne. He once played a Mafia thug in a Jackie Chan film.



Hail Hydra

Essay‘DO YOU TRUST me?’ An earnest question. ‘I do.’ An earnest answer. And then that ancient, global gesture of earnest intimacy: a handshake. For many, this is the moment from the Avengers: Endgame movie: Captain America and Iron Man putting aside their...

Tragic intimacy

GR OnlineBY ANYONE'S RECKONING, World War I was an unprecedented, unmitigated disaster. Of course, it matters greatly who won or lost; who wrote the peace treaties, and who was forced to sign them. For some, conquest was something to celebrate....

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