Chris Chesher

Dr Chris Chesher’s research interests include the internet, robotics, social media, mobile media, locative media, and computer games.
Dr Chris Chesher is Senior Lecturer in Digital Cultures in the School of Letters, Art, and Media. Before joining the University of Sydney in 2005, he worked at UNSW, Macquarie, Newcastle and UTS. He completed his PhD at Macquarie (Media), MA at UNSW (Interdisciplinary Studies: US Civilisation) and BA (Media and Communications) at Mitchell CAE (now Charles Sturt).
Dr Chesher is interested in the relationships between technological change, cultural forms and institutional power. His approach to emerging technologies and culture is to identify historical legacies at play; to develop close readings of specific technocultural forms; and to trace the transversalities of change – the connections between aesthetic, epistemological, political and economic actors.
His work draws predominantly from the traditions of Media Studies, Cultural Studies, Actor Network Theory, Philosophy of Technology and Studies in Technology.