Anna Dorrington

In the 1950s Anna was born in Germany, immigrating to Australia in the early 1980s, where she carried on her profession as a tailor working for Linda Jackson in Sydney.

During this time she met her now husband of 23 years. They moved to Northern Rivers, where they ran their own bakery and began to raise their 3 children, and bought some acreage, building their family home.

At the end of the 1990s they sold the baker and started an organic citrus orchard, when Anna commenced her Bachelor of Visual Arts. Last year she completed her Honours, culminating with her graduation installation entitled ‘My Mother and Me’.


My mother and me

MemoirFOR A LONG time I could not make up my mind where and when to start my story, but eventually I decided to begin in the middle.About ten years ago my sister told me that my mother had had...

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