Binge Thinking Podcast collaboration

In collaboration with Binge Thinking, a new in-conversation podcast for millennials and young people, we are excited to announce a series of podcasts that tie-in with the theme of our current edition, Millennials Strike Back. Join host Caspar Roxburgh as he discusses complex gender rules and roles in Episode 10, with Sophie Allan; questions the need for millennials to dream big in Episode 11, with André Dao; dives deep with Kavita Bedford in Episode 13, as they recall the day when the war of a generation began; and ponders eternal life in Episode 14, with Cathal O’Connell. All episodes are available for download.

And if you can’t get enough of our millennials on podcast, you can listen onlinr to our panel discussion with co-editor Jerath Head and contributors Yassmin Abdel-Magied, Timmah Ball and Briohny Doyle at the Wheeler Centre.